10) Fox News has never called it "a battleground state."
9) It's the only New England state where it's impossible to get attacked by a shark.
8) It shares a largely unguarded border with Canada...Quebec, no less.
7) Only Wyoming has fewer people.
6) There's no risk of its ever becoming the next trendy location in the nation. (It gets snow.)
5) They make cheese there, I'm pretty certain.
4) Frederick Buechner lives there. (If any mainline clergyperson in America tells you he/she doesn't want to be Frederick Buechner, it's a lie.)
3) It's not sitting on top of any oil, or natural gas, or coal.
2) Aside from the aforementioned Buechner--who's only famous among dorks--no other famous person is from there, nor has ever set foot there, nor could even spell the name of its capital.
1) They really take pride in their Green Mountain National Forest. Just compare its website to that of the Allegheny! Can you say "citizen involvement"?
Maybe a correction needs to be made to "Reason #2," since Howard Dean stands on the withering cusp of fame. But in terms of fame, he's no Snoop Dogg, or Bill Gates, or Angelina Jolie...